Music is the best right? There’s so much variety and diversity. And there are so many ways to listen to it! Pandora, itunes radio, youtube, Spotify… the list goes on.
I love music because of its ability to influence us. Movies without music would have about half the impact! Seriously, music is so powerful. Try watching commercials without the sound, mute your TV between your favourite programs and see the difference. 


I’ve played piano since I was five, at first I hated it. But over the past 3 years I have fallen in love with it! I love performing, whether it’s on the street, on stage or at a wedding. Two years ago I had the privilege of being able to record in an actual studio!

My sister and I played as ‘Paper and Perfume’ and recorded our hit single ‘Against the Glass’. (And by hit I mean It was in Triple J’s top 100 charts for two weeks!!) Check it out here   
As ;Paper and Perfume' we gigged in pubs, at celebration dinners, at weddings, and all over the place! I loved it!! But then my sister moved to London, so that made gigging a bit… difficult.

I’m currently learning a song called ‘Dawn’ from Pride and Prejudice! (Yes I am a Jane Austin fan, and am also a fan of the movie 'Austenland' Check it out!!)

Anyway... long story short, I am a huge fan of music, playing it, listening to it, dancing to it (really badly). Everything about music rocks!



I've been working with it for about a year now and I'm obsessed. When I was doing my HSC in my last year of High School, every single study break I would spend at least 15 minutes henna-ing my legs, and on weekends I would sit for hours and hours on it, with Gilmore Girls playing in the background... needless to say by the end of the exams I was covered from my toes to my thighs.

Below are just a few of my designs.


Henna is a dye made from the powdered leaves of a tropical plant (Lawsonia inermis)  that grows in some regions of Africa and Asia, it's used for temporary tattoos, and sometimes even hair dye! It's originally from India, where it was used for celebrations and rituals such as weddings, it was regarded as having "Barakah," (blessings) and was applied for luck, as well as beauty. In India if the bride gets a good dark stain, it was said that the mother-in-law would love her very much!
In India if bride gets good dark stain color, it is said that her mother-in-law will love her a lot :).
Well, I will not rely on such stories to get my next henna done. - See more at:
In India if bride gets good dark stain color, it is said that her mother-in-law will love her a lot :).
Well, I will not rely on such stories to get my next henna done. - See more at:
Henna was regarded as having "Barakah," blessings, and was applied for luck as well as joy and beauty. - See more at:
Henna was regarded as having "Barakah," blessings, and was applied for luck as well as joy and beauty. - See more at:
Henna was regarded as having "Barakah," blessings, and was applied for luck as well as joy and beauty. - See more at:
Henna was regarded as having "Barakah," blessings, and was applied for luck as well as joy and beauty. - See more at:
Henna was regarded as having "Barakah," blessings, and was applied for luck as well as joy and beauty. - See more at:


Henna changes over time. Designs usually last up to 2 weeks, and begin to fade in the middle of the second week. (That is unless you spend a huge amount of time in the water) Henna is applied to the skin when it's wet, and slowly dyes the skin as it dries. When it's dried, the longer it's left on the darker it stains the skin.
There are so many different kinds of henna, it's hard to find one that works best for you... the tubes are all kinds of different lengths, and the dye itself is different depending on the brand. But once you've found one that you like it's amazing!!

My Top Ten Adrenaline Sports Bucket List!

Hey guys,

Little fact about me, I absolutely love adrenaline sports!! I think I get that from my dad, he's a pretty cool dad. For my 17th birthday I got to go skydiving with some of my favourite people (my dad included). And it was amazing!!!
It was definitely well worth the money, and we almost went twice in the same day, but decided against it at the last minute.

In no particular order...

#1 Bungee jumping - Out of all the choices I think bungee jumping terrifies me the most! I mean, jumping out of a plane I can do, there's really no sense of gravity when you're that high up, but jumping that close to the ground has got to give you one hell of a rush!

#2 Para-gliding - This is apparently supposed to be really smooth and relaxing (Or so says my dad.) So it probably won't be as much of a rush as some of the other activities. But one of the things I loved about skydiving was the view, so I think Para-Gliding would be great. 

#3 Hang Gliding - Hang-gliding would be very similar to Hang-Gliding. The only difference is the wings, Paragliding is with a parachute, and Hang-gliding is with a V-shaped wing frame. But I thought they both deserved to be on my list.

#4 Jet Skiing - Unfortunately I believe a certain level of skill is involved in this particular one, but all skills can be learned. And this would be worth the work! Plus people look so pro when they're doing it, so that's a bonus. 

#5 Scuba Diving - This is on the list mostly because I was inspired by Sebastian he sang 'under the sea' in 'the little mermaid'
Yes, you heard me... I love that movie! Scuba diving would be unreal, it's definitely in my top ten. 

#6 Ice Climbing - Probably the most dangerous sport on my list, and the most inaccessible to me (Australia isn't exactly well known for it's ice climbing facilities). But I love rock climbing and abseiling, so this would be just like taking it up to the next level (Or maybe taking it up 2 or 3 levels!)

#7 Train Surfing - Okay so Australia is definintely not the place to do this one either. This is probably the most stupid activity on my list, and the sane part of me is just telling the insane part of me what an idiot I am for even putting it on the list. But then the sane part of me remembered how fantastic train catching was in 'Divergent'... and if it's characters in a book can do it, what's to stop me from doing it... right??? So here it is, on my list, because I just like the idea of it. Maybe I just need to find myself a really, really slow train!

#8 Surfing - I've done a surfing lesson once in my life, and I wasn't completely terrible. I was able to stand up on the board and even catch a wave by the end of the two hour lesson. Granted the wave was pretty tiny, and it was a practice board but I still caught it. (Okay, okay maybe I am a bit terrible, but it was pretty fun). I'd love to get good at it and be able to catch waves. Plus ocean water is really, really good for your skin, so that's a pretty fantastic bonus!

#9.Tree-Top Adventure - For those of you who don't know what this is, it's like a ropes course but up higher, in the trees. You get to slide down flying foxes, move from tree to tree on suspension bridges and a bunch of other cool things. This is probably one of the more tame activities on the list. But I think it would still be a really fun thing to do.

#10 White-water rafting - Another dangerous one, but Oh. My. God it would be cool! This one involves some level of skill aswell. Not like tandem sky diving when you can just jump out of the plane and the instructor does the rest... But just as cool, if not cooler. And definitely much wetter. But I kind of like the idea of getting a little messy when I'm involved in an adrenaline sport. 

So there it is... adrenaline sports according to AB.