Introducing AUGUEST!
'Equality and it's role in our society today'
Equality is such an interesting concept, there are so many different kinds of equality. Social equality, gender equality, civil equality, economic equality, equality of opportunity and education...
You'll be hearing next month from some of the most creative and intelligent people I know, who will be sharing with you their take on equality, what it means, how it impacts them, how it's changed over time.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. The aim of Auguest is to generate thought and discussion... so please leave a comment below. If you disagree with the guest blogger, please speak up! I think it's so important to discuss issues like this and create conversation and awareness.We'd love to hear what you think. Or email me if you're interested in being a guest blogger yourself.
First up, we've got Claire Louise, author of the blog Stomp the Wallflower, brilliant photographer and creative artist.
Celeste is a writer, artist and blogger. She's super intelligent, funny and gorgeous.
Lowanna Lowes owns her own business, mother of two gorgeous kids, writer.
And last but not least we have the gorgeous girls poppy and mop. They're super cute young photographers and creative girls who share a blog.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on "Equality and it's role in our society today".
AB :)